
4 unusual facts about Anthroposophy


Today Dornach is famous for the Goetheanum and is home to the international headquarters of the Anthroposophical movement founded by Rudolf Steiner.

Helmuth von Ruckteschell

He was an avid reader and loved classical music, and was a student of Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophy.

Jay Sydeman

Winning early acclaim for his avant-garde music (principally published by C. F. Peters), he felt trapped by the prevailing orthodoxies and moved to California in 1970, beginning a period of wandering during which he also studied Buddhism and Anthroposophy.

Robert A. McDermott

Topics on which he has written or lectured include the evolution of consciousness, the spiritual mission of America, classic and modern spirituality and spiritual masters (East and West), Sri Aurobindo, and Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophy.


Anthroposophy |

Ehrenfried Pfeiffer

Pfeiffer first visited the U.S. in 1933 to lecture to a group of anthroposophists at the Threefold Farm in Spring Valley, New York on biodynamic farming.

Ivar Mortensson-Egnund

In 1915, when Vidar was the first magazine for Anthroposophy published in Norway, it opened with an article by Mortensson-Egnund that drew relationships with the mythological Víðarr.

Karen Swassjan

He has translated and edited works by Rainer Maria Rilke, Friedrich Nietzsche and Oswald Spengler into Russian, and has written numerous works on philosophy, literature, history of ideas and anthroposophy in Russian and German.

Massimo Scaligero

Massimo Scaligero, born Antonio Sgabelloni in Veroli, Italy (1906–1980) an Italian spiritual teacher, esotericist and anthroposophist.

see also