
3 unusual facts about Antoinette Gabrielle Danton

Antoinette Gabrielle Danton

Back in Paris on 17 February 1793, Danton was so affected by her death that he recruited sculptor Claude André Deseine and brought him by night to Sainte-Catherine cemetery to excavate Charpentier's body and execute a death mask.

Charpentier was the daughter of Jérôme François Charpentier, a lemonade-maker and, from 1773, owner of the Café Parnasse or Café de l'École, located at the current site of La Samaritaine, in Paris.

Claude André Deseine

In the night of 17 February 1793, Deseine was recruited by Danton and brought to Sainte-Catherine cemetery to excavate the body of Antoinette Gabrielle Danton, his recently deceased wife, and execute a death mask of a commemorative bust.

see also