On August 13 of 1592, Pope Clement VIII approved a bull that decreed the secularization of the regular canons of the Order of Saint Augustine from all monasteries and priories in Catalonia, Roussillon and Cerdanya.
Antoni Tàpies | Antoni Gaudí | Robert Antoni | Antoni Pizà | Antoni Kocjan | Mike D'Antoni | Antoni Jan Goetz | Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski | Antoni Szylling | Antoni Radziwiłł | Antoni Martí | Antoni Malczewski | Antoni Giełgud | Antoni Edward Odyniec | Antoni Czortek | Sergio D'Antoni | Sant Antoni de Portmany | Mark De Gli Antoni | Joan Terès i Borrull | Janine Antoni | Antoni Szczęsny Godlewski | Antoni Osuchowski | Antoni Milkowski | Antoni Jan Ostrowski | Antoni Gaudi | Antoni Garrell i Guiu | Antoni Dunin | Antoni Barnaba Jabłonowski | 16th century ''sgabello'' of archbishop Joan Terès i Borrull |