
2 unusual facts about Antonine Itinerary


A little to the south of Fonni stood the Roman station of Sorabile, mentioned in the Antonine Itinerary as situated some 100 km from Caralis on the road to Olbia.


The city, in the interior of Sardinia, is known from the Itineraries, which place it on the road from Tibula, through the interior of the island, to Othoca.

Hamlet Watling

He compiled 12 volumes of Suffolk heraldry and genealogy in MS. He excavated on Roman sites in Suffolk during the 1860s and 1870s, and made various investigations of the Antonine Itinerary in the county.

see also

Forum Clodii

Forum Clodii, is a post station on the Via Clodia, about 23 miles (37 km) northwest of Rome (not 32 miles as in the Antonine Itinerary), situated above the western bank of the Lacus Sabatinus (now known as Lake Bracciano), and connected with the Via Cassia at Vacanae by a branch road which ran round the north side of the lake (Ann. Inst., 1859, 43).