
unusual facts about Antonveneta


After World War II, it acquired several other credit unions (populare): Treviso in 1950, Polesine in 1980, Cavarzere in 1982, and Valdagno in 1987 In that same year the bank took the name, Banca Popolare Veneta.



Il 25 luglio i titolari dell'inchiesta milanese, Fusco e Perrotti, dispongono il sequestro delle azioni Antonveneta detenute da BPI e dai concertisti, gli alleati Emilio Gnutti, Stefano Ricucci, proprietario di Magiste e coinvolto nella torbida scalata alla RCS, i Lonati e Danilo Coppola.

Santander Group

In March 2008, Banco Santander sold Interbanca, a subsidiary of Banca Antonveneta, to GE Commercial Finance, receiving in return GE Money businesses in Germany, Finland and Austria, and GE's card and auto-financing businesses in the UK, which it integrated with Santander Consumer Finance.

see also