The Land of the Long White Cloud "Aotearoa" is a piece composed by Philip Sparke for brass band or wind band.
Aotearoa gained some prominence when it was used by New Zealand band Split Enz in the lyrics to their song "Six Months in a Leaky Boat".
The Aotearoa Student Press Association (ASPA) is an association of fourteen student newspapers and magazines that are published by the student associations of universities and polytechnics in Aotearoa (New Zealand).
Anthropologists have christened this part of central Aotearoa, Waenganui, a region that stretched from inland Ureweras to Kaiapohia.
Another Samoan salutation To life, live long! properly translated Ia ola! also echoes in places such as Aotearoa (New Zealand), where the formal greeting in Māori is Kia ora and in Tahiti (French Polynesia) where it is 'Ia orana.
Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand | Aotearoa | Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand | Te Wānanga o Aotearoa |
Easter Island presented by: Nick Lazaredes: Like many indigenous peoples in the Polynesian Triangle, from Aotearoa to Hawai'i, the Rapa Nui islanders are a minority on their islands and are fighting for their culture to be anything more than a synthetic dance-act for a tourist-hotel.
By 2001 the Aotearoa Cafe (by that time now hosted on Aotearoalive) became embroiled in cyber terrorism against the toymaker company LEGO, makers of the Bionicle series of toys.
At the same time, members of the Aotearoa Cafe were involved in abrupt discussions with the administration of BZPower — a Lego Bionicle discussion forum.
However, she is not the first Green Candidate to be elected under a first-past-the-post electoral system, as this was Jeanette Fitzsimons of the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand in the Coromandel Electorate in 1999.
Few web pages recognize this special character, with Microsoft releasing a Maori character font in 2003, although it does not address the glottal stop used by Maori outside of Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Stonehenge Aotearoa, was built by members of The Phoenix Astronomy Society and is located near Carterton, New Zealand is a modern adaptation of the Stonehenge ruins on the Salisbury Plain of England.
In February 2008, she was elected Bishop of Christchurch in the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.