She sang in several of Aphra Behn's operas, and after Davenant died in 1668, her husband Thomas became co-manager of the company, and she continued to act in minor roles into the 1690s.
The History of the Nun, Or The Fair Vow Breaker is a short story by Aphra Behn written in 1688.
Aphra Behn | Ari Behn | Sosthenes Behn | Peter Behn | Noel Behn | Aphra Behn's |
This book concludes the chronicles of the adventures of such diverse characters as Sir Richard Burton, Alice Pleasance Liddell, Aphra Behn and Tom Turpin through a bizarre afterlife in which every human ever to have lived is simultaneously resurrected along a single river valley that stretches over an entire planet.
Michiel van Kempen, Bespreking van De lichtvoetige amazone: Het geheime leven van Aphra Behn In: Oso, Tijdschrift voor Surinaamse taalkunde, letterkunde en geschiedenis, 21 (2002), nr. 1, mei, pp.
It was the looseness of these 'pindarics' that appealed to many poets at the close of the 17th century, including John Dryden and Alexander Pope, and many lesser poets, such as John Oldham, Aphra Behn, Thomas Otway, Thomas Sprat and Thomas Flatman.