Apis koschevnikovi | Apis nigrocincta | Apis cerana japonica |
There is a current effort between Access, NTT DoCoMo, Panasonic, NEC, and Esteemo to use the platform as a basis for a "shared platform" implementing a revised version of the i.mode MOAP(L) APIs, as well as conforming to the specifications of the LiMo Foundation.
Semicarbazide-cadmium therapy has been used to alleviate the symptoms of cancers, but the APIs have significant toxicity.
Apis dorsata, the giant honey bee, is a honey bee of southern and southeastern Asia mainly in forested areas like the Terai of Nepal.
It is now classified once again as a subspecies of Apis dorsata (Engel, 1999).
Appelman's innovation included offloading of TCP/IP processing from IBM mainframes to OS/2 servers, graphical TCP/IP clients, SNMP and FTP APIs, fastest terminal emulator MYTE, S2 Spreadsheet that connected via TCP to IBM DB2, and many others.
Ribbit provides Adobe Flash/Flex APIs, allowing web developers to incorporate telephony features into their software as a service (SaaS) applications.
In 2007, Cambrex divested their biologics business to Lonza to focus on small molecule APIs.
Synchronisms with inscriptions relating to the burial of Apis bulls begin as early as the reign of Amenhotep III and continue into Ptolemaic times, but there is a significant gap in the record between Ramesses XI and the 23rd year of Osorkon II.
Game Sprockets is a collection of application programming interfaces (APIs) supporting gaming on the classic Mac OS.
Varroa destructor, Bee mite that attacks honey bee s Apis cerana and Apis mellifera.
First released to developers at the 2000 Professional Developers Conference in Orlando, Florida, then made available for download, version 5.5 focused on improved print preview capabilities, CSS and HTML standards support, and developer APIs; this version was bundled with Windows Me.
Meanwhile, a second G.38 - factory number 3302 and c/n D-2500, later changed to D-APIS - was built with a double deck fuselage and capacity for 34 passengers.
The second G.38 - marked D-2500 and later D-APIS - flew successfully within the Lufthansa fleet for nearly a decade.
Microsoft "Roslyn" is a set of APIs for exposing the Microsoft C# and Visual Basic .NET compilers as services available at runtime.
Before that, it was called Apes (plural of Apis, Latin for bee) by Petrus Plancius when he created it in 1612.
XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs allowing Nucleus CMS can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, Zempt, ...
The API for OSA is called Parlay, (or Parlay/OSA or OSA/Parlay) as the APIs are developed jointly in collaboration by 3GPP, ETSI, and the Parlay Group.
Parlay X, a set of standard Web service APIs for the telephone network
In general Parlay X provides an abstraction of functionality exposed by the more complex, but functionally richer Parlay APIs.
These APIs establish the core of pimcore's product information management module and primarily focus on topics like data integration from 3rd party enterprise applications and Web-to-print publishing.
For obvious reasons the APIs were also tightly integrated with the Mac OS, allowing the developer to bring up an interactive 3D view in a window with little code.
Microsoft Roslyn, a set of APIs exposing the Microsoft C# and Visual Basic .
Stela BM 147 has a depiction of Taimhotep worshipping Sokar-Osiris, Apis, Isis, Nephtys, Horus, Anubis and a symbol of the West.
Hardware and software appliances are compatible with the APIs which consist of C, C++, C# JAVA and JMS.
The database managers support access using many common distributed data access protocols and APIs including JDBC, OLE DB, and ODBC.
Varroa sensitive hygiene (VSH) is a behavioral trait of honey bees (Apis mellifera) in which bees detect and remove bee pupae that are infested by the parasitic mite Varroa destructor.