
2 unusual facts about Apostolic Vicariate of Sudan

Apostolic Vicariate of Sudan

In the early 20th century it included: — stations at Assuan (now in Egypt), Omdurman, Khartoum (central station); Lul and Atigo (White Nile); Wau, Kayango and 'Cleveland' (Bahrel-Ghazal); Omach and Gulu (Uganda); besides twenty-five localities provided excurrendo.

The two religious congregations, the Sons of the Sacred Heart and the Pious Mothers of Nigritia, furnished missionaries and sisters to the vicariate, and the two periodical papers La Nigrizia (The Negritude, in Verona, Italy) and Stern der Neger (Star of the Negroes, in Brixen, then Austria) print articles about this mission.

see also