The tri-monthly publication had prestigious contributors such as Scipione Maffei, Antonio Vallisneri, Eustachio Manfredi, Ludovico Antonio Muratori, Giovanni Battista Morgagni, Giovan Battista Vico, Bernardino Ramazzini.
In 1710 together with Scipione Maffei, Antonio Vallisneri and his brother, Pier Caterino Zeno, he founded the Giornale de' letterati d'Italia, maintaining that it was necessary that "Italians themselves make their own newspaper... revealing that good sense, erudition and ingenuity never were lacking among us, and now more than ever are they flourishing."
Apostolo Zeno, Compendio della storia Veneta, self-published, Venezia, 1847.
He was also highly respected for his archæological learning by such men as Muratori, Apostolo Zeno, Samuel Charles Mazzuchelli, and others.
Apostolo Zeno's edition of Paruta's history (in the series Degli Istorici delle cose veneziane, Venice, 1718)
Zeno | Apostolo Zeno | Zeno (emperor) | Zeno Roth | Zeno X | Zeno's paradoxes | Jochen 'Zeno' Roth |
The Venetian writer Apostolo Zeno made on it,and partially on Lope's play, a libretto named Griselda (1701) which was to be musicated, among others, by Carlo Francesco Pollarolo (1701), Antonio Maria Bononcini (1718), Alessandro Scarlatti (1721), Tomaso Albinoni (1728) and Antonio Vivaldi (1735).