
unusual facts about Appenzell

Johann Gottfried Ebel

Ebel also published a work (2 vols, Leipzig, 1798 1802) entitled Schilderungen der Gebirgsvölker der Schweiz, which deals mainly with the pastoral cantons of Glarus and Appenzell.

Adrien Duport

He returned to France after the 9th of Thermidor of the year II, left it in exile again after the republican coup d'état of 18 Fructidor of the year V, and died at Appenzell in Switzerland in 1798.

Appenzell District

Later Appenzell began to establish independent foreign trade relations (1494 Venice, 1497 Constance, about 1499 Lyon, 1529 Frankfurt am Main).

The district of Appenzell consists of a part of the town Appenzell, as well as Rinkenbach, Kau and Meistersrüte.

Appenzell Wars

On 2 December 1428 they encountered and defeated the Appenzell army behind a heavy fortification (known as a Letzi) on the field between Gossau and Herisau.

Appenzeller string music

The year 1892 saw the foundation of the so-called "Original Sting Music from Appenzell" Streich-Quintett Appenzell, a quintet from Appenzell featuring two violins, a dulcimer, a cello and a double bass.

Dutch Belted

These "Gurtenvieh" were evidently moved by Dutch nobility from the mountain farms of canton Appenzell and County of Tyrol Mountains during or soon after the feudal period.

Hammered dulcimer

Various types of hammered dulcimers are traditionally played in Iraq, India, Iran, Southwest Asia, China, and parts of Southeast Asia, Central Europe (Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic, Switzerland (particularly Appenzell), Austria and Bavaria), the Balkans, Eastern Europe (Ukraine and Belarus) and Scandinavia.


It is located at the crossing point of two major routes through the region, the St. Gallen-Toggenburg road and the Gossau-Appenzell road.

Margrit Mondavi

A native of Appenzell, Switzerland, Margrit was raised in her family home overlooking Lake Maggiore, in the canton of Ticino.


Roman Signer (b. 1938 in Appenzell) is principally a visual artist who works in sculpture, photography, and video.

Theodosius Florentini

Theodosius Florentini (born at Münster, in the Grisons, Switzerland, 23 May 1808; died at Heiden, in Appenzell, 15 February 1865) was a Swiss Capuchin monk, a founder of Catholic religious orders and institutions.

see also