
3 unusual facts about Applecross


In 2009 Applecross was featured in the television programme Monty Halls' Great Escape.

Following the death of the 10th Baron Middleton in 1924, the estate was sold to the Wills family.

Raffles Hotel, Perth

It is not known where that inn was located but it was possibly a predecessor of the 1896 Canning Bridge Hotel, near the bridge on its western (Applecross) side—which was remodelled in 1937 as the present Raffles Hotel.


Applecross |

Causantín mac Fergusa

Causantín's reign falls in a period when Irish annals have relatively few notices of events in Scotland, possibly due to the failing of the annals believed to have been kept in Scotland at Iona and Applecross.

see also