
3 unusual facts about Apt Pupil

Apt Pupil

In 1995, Chicago's Defiant Theatre staged a full scale adaptation of the novella at the Preston Bradley Center in Chicago, IL.

In Roadwork, Barton George Dawes tells a similar story about owning a rifle to a story told by Audrey Wyler in Desperation, In Desperation, Audrey says "The year I was twelve, my old man gave me a .22. The first thing I did was to go outside our house in Sedilia and shoot a jay. When I went over to it, it was still alive, too. It was trembling all over, staring straight ahead, and its beak was opening and closing, very slowly."


This is also similar to an event in Apt Pupil where antagonist Todd Bowden sees an injured blue jay on the ground whilst cycling, and again there is a reference the beak "opening and closing" slowly.

HIH Casualty and General Insurance Ltd v Chase Manhattan Bank

Chase Manhattan Bank was in the highly speculative business of lending money against receipts from five future movies (in this case, Amy Foster, U Turn, Apt Pupil, The Mirror Has Two Faces and The People vs. Larry Flynt).

Tom DeSanto

During his first years in the film industry, Tom met and befriended Bryan Singer, who got Tom a production position with his company, Bad Hat Harry, working on his movie Apt Pupil, followed by a partnered attempt to revive Battlestar Galactica.

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