
2 unusual facts about Apurímac


Apurímac Region - a region in the south-eastern parts of central Perú

Apurímac River - a river in the south-eastern parts of central Perú

Chabuca Granda

María Isabel Granda Larco (Cotabambas, Apurímac, Peru, 3 September 1920 - Miami, United States, 1983), better known as Chabuca Granda, was a Peruvian singer and composer.

Fernando Belaúnde Terry

In addition, some government officials and insurgents were subsequently accused of human rights violations, and a state of emergency was promulgated in the Ayacucho and Apurímac regions.


For a couple of centuries, Lawriqucha had been seen as the source of the Amazon River, until in 1971 the US-American Loren McIntyre discovered the source of the Apurímac River to be the origin of the Amazon River which was confirmed by a 2001 expedition.

Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas de Apurimac

Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas de Apurimac is a university in Abancay, Peru.

see also