The film was shot on location on Mumbai trains, platforms, and at Mumbai's Victoria Terminus station, the cinematographer of the film, Apurba Kishore Bir was 22-year old, when he got the project, he shot 70 percent of the film using a hand-held camera, inspired by The Battle of Algiers, a 1966 war film with an aim to put the camera right in the conflict, he shot with wide lenses rather than zooms.
At the 21st National Film Awards, the film won the Award for Best Feature Film in Hindi as well as Best Cinematography for Apurba Kishore Bir.
Kishore Kumar | Apurba Kishore Bir | Ram Kishore Shukla | Kishore Mahbubani | Bir, Himachal Pradesh | Behzat Ç. Bir Ankara Polisiyesi | Bir | Jon O'Bir | Bir Mourad Raïs | Bir Hospital | Bir Bikrom | Battle of Bir Hakeim |