Eneas Perdomo was born El Yagual, a town in the state of Apure, in Venezuela in 1930.
His best known song is Fiesta en Elorza a celebration of the festivities of the town of Elorza in the state of Apure.
Venezuela's main oil fields are located at four major sedimentary basins: Maracaibo, Falcon, Apure, and Oriental.
Speyer persevered for a long time in his search for the El Dorado, until at last his progress was arrested by a mighty river, probably the Orinoco, or its confluent, the Apure, and early in 1539 he returned to Coro empty-handed with only 80 ragged and sickly men out of the host he had led forth more than four years before.
Including Táchira, TRT can be seen in the southern part of the Zulia, northeastern Barinas, and northern Apure in Venezuela.
Apure | Apure River |
For example in 2008 the government expropriated El Frio, a 63,000 hectare estate in Apure (larger than the tourist island of Isla Margarita), as its owners (reputed to include Nelson Rockefeller) could not demonstrate legal land title.
Santos Luzardo, a graduate lawyer of the Central University of Venezuela, returns to his father's land in the plains of Apure to sell the land but desists when he discovers that it is controlled by a despotic woman, Doña Bárbara, also known as the men's devourer; it is said that she uses seduction and pacts with demonic spirits to satisfy her whims and achieve power.
A municipality in Anzoátegui state was named after him, along with a town in Apure (Bruzual) and another in Portuguesa (Villa Bruzual).
The Yaruro language (also spelled Llaruro or Yaruru; also called Yuapín or Pumé) is an indigenous language spoken by Yaruro people, along the Orinoco, Sinaruco, Meta, and Apure rivers of Venezuela.