The Ron Howard film Apollo 13, a dramatization of that mission starring Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon, and Bill Paxton, was filmed using realistic spacecraft interior reconstructions of the Aquarius and the Command Module Odyssey.
On October 31, 2006, Aquarius Records released April Wine Rocks!, a brand new compilation of April Wine favourites, including a bonus live tune.
Backstage and Dangerous: The Private Rehearsal is a rehearsal album of the rock band The Doors, recorded live at the Aquarius Theatre in Hollywood.
The finals saw Jerry Estrada defeat Pierroth, Jr. In 1996 the then champion Dr. Wagner, Jr. lost the title to Aquarius on a show in Japan but the title change was never officially recognized by CMLL.
In May 2007, Talacek and other NURP/UNCW divers, including fellow Aquarius divers Mark Hulsbeck and Jim Buckley, set up a coral monitoring station pylon offshore from the Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory in Discovery Bay, Jamaica for a cooperative program among Caribbean countries called Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change (MACC).
Then, three days into their underwater mission, the crew members were told that Tropical Storm Lili was headed in their direction and to prepare for an early departure from Aquarius.
Live at the Aquarius Theater: The Second Performance is a double live album of the band The Doors, released as a double CD recorded live on the Aquarius Theatre in Hollywood on 21 July 1969.
Messier 72, a globular cluster in the constellation Aquarius
Messier 73, a random grouping of stars in the constellation Aquarius
Marianne Mendt published several 'Austrian versions' of well-known jazz and pop songs like Mercy, Mercy, Mercy ("I kann net lang mit dir bös' sein"), Spinning Wheel ("A g'scheckert's Hutschpferd") and Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In ("Der Wasserkopf").
In May 2007, Hulsbeck and other NURP/UNCW divers, including fellow Aquarius divers James Talacek and Jim Buckley, set up a coral monitoring station pylon offshore from the Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory in Discovery Bay, Jamaica for a cooperative program among Caribbean countries called Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change (MACC).
Although less expensive than the Texas Instruments TI-99/4A and Commodore VIC-20, the Aquarius had comparatively weak graphics and limited memory.
In solar religious calendars, Phalguna begins with the Sun's entry into Aquarius, and is usually the eleventh month of the year.
Terra Terra - The Aquarius Era premiered live on 30 October 1999 at the Musikhalle Hamburg in Germany.
The VAX 9000, code named Aridus or Aquarius, was a family of Supercomputer and mainframe computers developed and manufactured by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) using processors implementing the VAX instruction set architecture (ISA).