The system was designed in two forms, one for the command module and one for the lunar module.
The Ron Howard film Apollo 13, a dramatization of that mission starring Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon, and Bill Paxton, was filmed using realistic spacecraft interior reconstructions of the Aquarius and the Command Module Odyssey.
According to George Low, Manager of the Apollo Spacecraft Program Office, this was because NASA was afraid that the word "excursion" might lend a frivolous note to Apollo.
This approach was used on the S-band downlink transmitter on the Apollo Lunar Module where high efficiency and reliability were needed.
Mixed with a phosphor, it was used to illuminate Apollo Lunar Module electrical switch tips and painted on control panels of the Lunar Roving Vehicle.
The Apollo Lunar Module used a rocket and landing gear to land on the moon.
Apollo | Apollo 11 | Apollo program | Apollo Theater | Apollo 13 | Apollo Theatre | Apollo 17 | Apollo 1 | Lunar New Year | lunar | Hammersmith Apollo | Apollo Command/Service Module | Apollo 8 | Apollo 13 (film) | Apollo 12 | Apollo Program | Apollo Guidance Computer | Apollo Computer | Apollo Lunar Module | Apollo 440 | The Apollo of Bellac | module | Apollo 10 | Subscriber Identity Module | Lunar Roving Vehicle | Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter | lunar month | lunar calendar | D-module | command module |
Apollo 5, the first test of the Apollo Lunar Module, which used the AS-204 rocket that was originally intended for Apollo 1