
2 unusual facts about Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia

Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia

Each Reyvateil has their own singer (who is different from their voice actor in both Japanese and English versions) who performed their Songs and Hymns: Aurica: Haruka Shimotsuki, Misha: Akiko Shikata, Shurelia: Noriko Mitose and Claire: Yūko Ishibashi.

Haruka Shimotsuki, Takashige Inagaki and Akiko Shikata also contributed composition for several of the songs and Hymns in the game.

Ar tonelico

The main theme songs for all of the games were sung by Akiko Shikata.

The Ar tonelico series is set in a planet called Ar Ciel, which lost its land in a great man-made catastrophe a long time ago, and it's a work of SF Fantasy that depicts the interaction between the protagonist and the heroines, the latter generally being members of a race called Revatail (romanized as Reyvateil in the English-localized versions of the games and related material), which can use a special ability known as Song Magic.

Yūko Ishibashi

She is most well known for her vocal performances in Gust-produced video games such as the Ar tonelico series and Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm.

see also