Some of his veduta are of Aranjuez in Spain, where he went to paint scenery sets for the Reales Coliseos theater held in the Palacio Real de Aranjuez for the delight of Ferdinand VI.
He also designed several summer houses for the kings in El Escorial and Aranjuez and reconstructed the Major Square of Madrid, among other important works.
When victories over the French allowed a measure of unification of control in Spain, New Spain recognized the Junta of Aranjuez.
La alianza militar hispano-francesa de 1796 se vería prolongada por los acuerdos de Madrid y de Aranjuez de principios de 1801, por los que los ejércitos de ambos países pactaban su colaboración contra Portugal y Gran Bretaña, respectivamente.
The railway company responsible for the construction of Toledo station, the Compañía de los Ferrocarriles de Madrid a Zaragoza y Alicante, also built other stations in Neo-Mudejar style such as that of Aranjuez.
The Fiesta que se hizo en Aranjuez and Querer por solo querer were translated into English by Sir Richard Fanshawe, afterwards ambassador at Madrid, in a posthumous volume published in 1671.
The Spanish-French military alliance of 1796 was renovated by the treaties of Madrid and Aranjuez—beginnings of 1801, see below—and both countries' armies arranged their efforts against Portugal and Great Britain respectively.