Charles embarked upon a vigorous program to change the nature of the Council, dismissing the unpopular Antonio de Rojas and replacing him with Juan de Tavera, the Archbishop of Santiago.
In 1559, the Bishop of Santiago, Rodrigo Marmolejo, founded the first temple in Valparaiso, a small chapel that was really little more than a hut initially.
On August 28 of that same year, Pope Pius XII made him Archbishop of Santiago and thus Primate of the Church in Chile.
He served as Archbishop of Santiago from 1939 until his death, and was elevated to the cardinalate in 1946 by Pope Pius XII.
In 1320 Melide obtained from the Archbishop of Santiago, Berenguel de Landoira, the privilege of building up a castle, fortressing the village, and charging taxes.
Santiago | Archbishop of Canterbury | Archbishop | Archbishop of York | Santiago de Chile | Santiago de Compostela | archbishop | Santiago del Estero | Santiago de Cuba | Santiago de los Caballeros | Archbishop of Dublin | Santiago Calatrava | University of Santiago de Compostela | Order of Santiago | Archbishop of Cashel | Archbishop of Glasgow | Archbishop of Armagh | Archbishop of Cologne | Santiago Ramón y Cajal | Santiago Metropolitan Region | Santiago Metro | Esmeralda Santiago | Archbishop of Tuam | Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil | The Archbishop Lanfranc School | Santiago del Estero Province | Santiago (commune) | Santiago Carrillo | Santiago Bernabéu Stadium | Rafael Cordero Santiago |