
unusual facts about Archibald Wavell

Capture of Klisura Pass

The capture of the strategic pass by the Greek army was considered a major success by the Allied forces, with the Commander of the British forces in the Middle East, Archibald Wavell, sending a congratulatory message to Alexander Papagos.

Alan Cunningham

During the East African Campaign General Archibald Wavell, the Commander-in-Chief of the British Middle East Command, directed Cunningham to retake British Somaliland and free Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from the Italians whilst forces under the command of Lieutenant-General Sir William Platt would attack from Sudan in the north through Eritrea.

Geoffrey Scoones

In December 1944 he and his fellow corps commanders Stopford and Christison were knighted and invested as KBE by the viceroy Lord Wavell at a ceremony at Imphal in front of the Scottish, Gurkha and Punjab regiments.

Malpas, Newport

The roads in Woodlands are named after World War II generals, e.g. Allenbrooke Avenue, Horrocks Close, Montgomery Road, Robertson Way, Wavell Drive, etc.

Montagu Stopford

In December 1944 he and his fellow corps commanders Christison and Scoones were knighted and invested as KBE by the viceroy Lord Wavell at a ceremony at Imphal in front of the Scottish, Gurkha and Punjab regiments.

Siege of Tobruk

During the withdrawal, his staff car was stopped by a German patrol near Martuba and both he and O'Connor (who had been sent forward from Cairo by Archibald Wavell, C-in-C Middle East Command to advise) were taken prisoner.

South-East Asian theatre of World War II

India Command under General Sir Archibald Wavell the Commander-in-Chief (CinC) of the Army of India and the Far East Command, first under Air Chief Marshal Robert Brooke-Popham and then from December 23, 1941 commanded by Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Royds Pownall.

see also