
6 unusual facts about Arcturus


The star was chosen as it was thought that light from Arcturus had started its journey at about the time of the previous Chicago World's Fair in 1893 (as the star is 36.7 light years away the light had, actually, started its journey in 1896).

Attic calendar

So, Thucydides can date by the rising of the star Arcturus without having to wade into the confusion of disconnected city-state calendars.

General Aviation PJ

Five examples were operated by the US Coast Guard during the 1930s, named Antares, Altair, Acrux, Acamar, and Arcturus (hull numbers FLB-51 through FLB-55).

Hari Seldon

He was born on the planet Helicon in the Arcturus sector where his father worked as a tobacco grower in a hydroponics plant.


There are two living things on board: an ostrich and an Arcturian balloon creature, both apparently in perfect health.

Trippet stones

Norman Lockyer visited the site in 1907 and suggested the date of the circle's construction to be around 1700 BC by calculating an alignment of Arcturus over Rough Tor.


The Wotjobaluk Koori people of Victoria, Australia, knew Antares as Djuit, son of Marpean-kurrk (Arcturus); the stars on each side represented his wives.


The band have so-far released 2 full length albums and 3 E.P's, and have supported well known international acts such as Mayhem, Arcturus, Suffocation, Nile, Deeds of Flesh, Opeth and Pungent Stench.

Head Control System

Head Control System is a cross-national rock/metal band featuring Portuguese Daniel Cardoso (ex-Sirius and ex-Re:aktor) and Norwegian Kristoffer Rygg (of Ulver and ex-Arcturus and ex-Borknagar).

South African Class NG6 4-4-0

Known users were, amongst others, Premier Portland Cement in Bulawayo, the Rhodesian Native Timber Concessions at Gwaai, the Cam and Motor Mine at Gatooma, the Selukwe Peak Light Railway of the Selukwe Chrome Mine, the Lupane Forest Estates, the Igusi Saw Mills and the Arcturus Mine east of Salisbury, all these in Rhodesia.

Steve Mackay

Radon released the Smegma - Mackay collaboration album 30 Years of Service in 2005, his full-length album Michigan and Arcturus (2006), a vinyl-only release with The Radon Ensemble entitled "Tunnel Diner", and in 2008 Resipiscent released Smegma's Live 2004 featuring Mackay and Jello Biafra.

see also