His first pastorship was in 1930 at the Methodist Church of Garrochales, Arecibo, Puerto Rico.
The team was sold in 2004 and subsequently relocated to Arecibo.
Each of the groups were played in different cities, (Arecibo, Mar del Plata, Sunchales and Xalapa).
Bodine Koehler, who won the title of Miss Universe Puerto Rico 2012, crowned her successor, Miss Arecibo, Monic Marie Pérez as Miss Universe Puerto Rico 2013, who then represented Puerto Rico at Miss Universe 2013.
He has served on the Committees on Planetary and Lunar Exploration and on Astronomy and Astrophysics of the National Research Council, time assignment committees for the Kuiper Airborne Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope, and scientific advisory committees for Arecibo and IPAC.
# Tomás López de Victoria - Sub-Commander of the Cadets of the Republic and leader of the Arecibo Incident.
Nevertheless, as more RRATs are detected by observatories such as Arecibo, the Green Bank Telescope, and the Parkes Observatory at which RRATs were first discovered, some of the characteristics of RRATs may become clearer.
WCMN-FM, a radio station at 107.3 FM licensed to Arecibo, Puerto Rico
WCCV-TV, a television station (channel 54 analog/53 digital) licensed to Arecibo, Puerto Rico
WNIK-FM, a radio station (106.5 FM) licensed to Arecibo, Puerto Rico