
unusual facts about Aristotelian

Prochoros Kydones

An advocate of Western Aristotelian thought, his translation of Latin Scholastic writings, brought him into conflict with Hesychasm, the leading school of Byzantine mystical theology, and its most vigorous defender, Gregory Palamas.


Aristotelian |


He was well read in philosophy, knowing the works of al-Kindi and al-Razi, the Aristotelian thought of al-Farabi and the Platonic writings.

Alain de Lille

The Platonist seemed to outweigh the Aristotelian in Alan, but he felt strongly that the divine is all intelligibility and argued this notion through much Aristotelian logic combined with Pythagorean mathematics.


In metaphysics, an Aristotelian realism about universals is defended by such philosophers as David Malet Armstrong and Stephen Mumford, and is applied to the philosophy of mathematics by James Franklin.

Five wits

(For more on this, see Definition of sense.) But the idea of five senses/wits from Aristotelian, medieval, and 16th century thought still lingers so strongly in modern thinking that a sense beyond the natural ones is still called a "sixth sense".

Gad Horowitz

Horowitz teaches a class at the University of Toronto entitled "The Spirit of Democratic Citizenship" which revolves around general semantics, a non-Aristotelian educational discipline first theorized by Polish engineer Alfred Korzybski.


Voltaire aimed to be the French Virgil, outdoing the master by preserving Aristotelian unity of place—a property of classical tragedy rather than epic—by keeping the human action confined between Paris and Ivry.

History of supernova observation

A common belief in Europe during this period was the Aristotelian idea that the world beyond the Moon and planets was immutable.

Lamezia Terme Town Library

There are in fact more than thirty books from the 16th century which are all about the Aristotelian Philosophy and its classic commentators such as Averroes, Alexander of Aphrodisias, Theodorus Gaza, Saint Thomas, averroistic books by Agostino Nifo and Marcantonio Zimara and Crisostomo Iavelli, mentioned by Tommaso Campanella himself in his Philosophia sensibus demonstrata and interesting it is that some of those books contain also annotations from original authors.


The view once held (on the strength of a fragment of Aristotle, quoted carelessly by Photius) that the naucrary was invented by Solon may now be regarded as obsolete (see the Aristotelian Constitution, viii. 3).

Nicole Oresme

Around 1369, he began a series of translations of Aristotelian works at the request of Charles V, who granted him a pension in 1371 and, with royal support, was appointed bishop of Lisieux in 1377.

Paul of Taranto

This concept of intellect over nature is derived from the pseudo-Aristotelian Liber de Causis.

Pierre Corneille

Corneille argued the Aristotelian dramatic guidelines were not meant to be subject to a strict literal reading.


Perhaps the most Aristotelian of contemporary playwrights is David Mamet.

Principles of Philosophy

The book was primarily intended to replace the Aristotelian curriculum then used in French and British Universities.


Uniting these Aristotelian principles with a prevalent Greek philosophy employed by Zeno of Citium and the Pythagoreans, the next three chapters arrange the planets into pairs of opposites.

The Guide for the Perplexed

The world-view asserted in the work is essentially Aristotelian, with a spherical earth in the centre, surrounded by concentric Heavenly Spheres.


Jacopo Zabarella (5 September 1532 – 15 October 1589), Italian Aristotelian philosopher and logician

see also