Armeria maritima, the sea thrift, a low growing, salt-tolerant plant on sea cliffs
It is often found on coastal cliffs in association with thrift and kidney vetch and blooms from May to September.
The limestone cliffs also support crevice communities such as thrift (Armeria maritima), sea plantain (Plantago maritima), rock sea-spurrey (Spergularia rupicola), sea-lavender (Limonium binervosum) and golden-samphire (Inula crithmoides).
Armeria maritima | Plantago maritima | Drimia maritima | Armeria | Spartina maritima | Ruppia maritima | Prunus maritima | Muilla maritima | Malcolmia maritima | Lobularia maritima | Lasthenia maritima | Crambe maritima |
Angelica pachycarpa is found growing in the Crithmo-Armerion maritimae (Géhu 1968) community of plants in Spain and Portugal which includes these species also: Armeria berlengensis, Armeria euscadiensis, Armeria maritima subsp.
The larvae feed on various low-growing plants, including Sedum acre and Armeria maritima.
Wind and salt spray limit the natural vegetation to lichen (Xanthoria parietina and Ramalina cuspidata) and grasses (Armeria maritima and more).