
unusual facts about Army Group G


On 5 May 1945, the delegations of the German Army Group G and the 7th U.S. Army met here to discuss the surrender of the 200 000 German soldiers in southern Germany, which was finally signed in the neighbour community of Haar.

Franz Schreiber

When Kampfgruppe (Battle Group) Schreiber, which consisted of elements of the 12th SS Gebirgsjäger Regiment attached to the 361st Volksgrenadier Division, infiltrated through the US VI Corps line and seized Wingen-sur-Moder in anticipation of armored reinforcement from Army Group G.

see also

Operation Nordwind

By 15 January at least seventeen German divisions (including units in the Colmar Pocket)from Army Group G and Army Group Upper Rhine, including the 6th SS Mountain, 17th SS Panzergrenadier, 21st Panzer, and 25th Panzergrenadier Divisions were engaged in the fighting.