
3 unusual facts about Army National Guard and Active Regular Army Units with Colonial Roots

Army National Guard and Active Regular Army Units with Colonial Roots

In the Treaty of Greenville that ended the Northwest Indian War, signed in August 1795, the Indian tribes ceded to the United States much of what is today the State of Ohio, plus the future site of Chicago and the area around Fort Detroit.

The next action of the 1st Company of Artillery was in the Miami Campaign (1790−1795), an Indian War that was an addendum to the American Revolution.

The culminating action of this campaign occurred on August 10, 1794, at the Battle of Fallen Timbers at a location south of present-day Toledo.

William Colfax

In 1811 he was Brigadier-General of the Second Division of Infantry, Bergen Brigade where in the War of 1812 he had a command at Sandy Hook.

see also