It was introduced by Arnold Schönhage in his 1982 paper The fundamental theorem of algebra in terms of computational complexity (Technical report, Mathematisches Institut der Universität Tübingen).
In 1971 Strassen published another paper together with Arnold Schönhage on asymptotically-fast integer multiplication based on the fast Fourier transform; see the Schönhage–Strassen algorithm.
Arnold Schwarzenegger | Arnold Schoenberg | Benedict Arnold | Arnold Palmer | Arnold Bax | Matthew Arnold | Eddy Arnold | Hey Arnold! | Henry H. Arnold | David Arnold | Arnold Wesker | Thomas Arnold | Arnold Toynbee | Arnold Rothstein | Arnold Friberg | Arnold Dreyblatt | Arnold Bennett | Arnold Sommerfeld | Richard R. Arnold | Arnold Moss | Arnold Fanck | Arnold Böcklin | Arnold Arboretum | Arnold | Schönhage–Strassen algorithm | Johnny Arnold | Frances Arnold | Arnold Zweig | Arnold Vosloo | Arnold Rüütel |