In a quite literal effort to put a face to the hated 'Ostjude' (Eastern European Jew), due to their Orthodox, economically depressed, "unenlightened", "un-German" ways, Zweig published with the artist Hermann Struck Das ostjüdische Antlitz (The Face of East European Jewry) in 1920.
Arnold Schwarzenegger | Arnold Schoenberg | Benedict Arnold | Arnold Palmer | Arnold Bax | Matthew Arnold | Eddy Arnold | Hey Arnold! | Henry H. Arnold | David Arnold | Arnold Wesker | Thomas Arnold | Arnold Toynbee | Stefan Zweig | Arnold Rothstein | Arnold Friberg | Arnold Dreyblatt | Arnold Bennett | Arnold Sommerfeld | Richard R. Arnold | Arnold Moss | Arnold Fanck | Arnold Böcklin | Arnold Arboretum | Arnold | Johnny Arnold | Frances Arnold | Arnold Zweig | Arnold Vosloo | Arnold Rüütel |
In addition to Jacobsohn, Tucholsky, and Ossietzky, the contributors included prominent writers and journalists like Erich Kästner, Alfred Polgar, Arnold Zweig, Manfred George, Lion Feuchtwanger, and Else Lasker-Schüler.
Among those who have such tombs of honor in Berlin are Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Bertolt Brecht, Wilhelm Busch, Theodor Fontane, Brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Georg Ludwig Hartig, Heinrich von Kleist, Hildegard Knef, Otto Lilienthal, Herbert Marcuse Felix Mendelssohn, Marg Moll Helmut Newton, Ernst Reuter, Joachim Ringelnatz, Heinrich Zille and Arnold Zweig.
The 2010 Festival presented N.Y. premieres of restored prints of Falk Harnack's The Axe of Wandsbek (based on Arnold Zweig's novel) about a man who was a paid executioner for the Nazis; and Henry Lynn's classic 1935 Yiddish melodrama, Bar Mitzvah, which features vaudeville jokes, songs, and dancing, and stars legendary actor Boris Thomashefsky in his only film performance.