
5 unusual facts about Around the World for Free

Around the World for Free

They travel with one cameraman Zsolt Luka and rely on local guides and inhabitants for basic needs.

Alex was accompanied by Zsolt Luka who directed, filmed and edited the series on an ongoing basis.

Jeff will be accompanied on his trek by season one director/editor Zsolt Luka.

The concept was created by Alex Boylan, Emmy-nominated editor and director Zsolt Luka, and Burton Roberts, who is also the producer of Camp Reality and was a cast member on Survivor: Pearl Islands.

OK Sweetheart

"Home" featured on The CW's 2011 season finale of 90210, WB's One Tree Hill (2011), ABC's Revenge (2012), and Around the World for Free (2011), Nissan Versa Commercial (2011), Gas South Commercials (2011, 2012, 2013)

see also