
5 unusual facts about Arsi Oromo


Until the early 1970s the inhabitants of Dodotana Sire, being Arsi Oromo, were in chronic conflict with Karayu pastoralists from Fentale, as well as with Jille Oromos from in the neighboring woreda, over rights to grazing land and drinking water for livestock.


In one of his many published accounts of life in Kofele, P.T.W. Baxter records that in the 1969 Parliamentary elections that the two-seat constituency which included Kofele returned two Arsi Oromo members.

Shebelle River

The source of the Shebelle River is venerated by both the Arsi Oromo and the Sidamo people.

Sidama Zone

The zone is bordered by the Arsi Oromo in the north and west, Gedeo, Burji, Guji Oromo people groups in the south, Guji Oromo in the west, and Wolayta and Kambata language groups to the east.

Vittorio Bottego

After eight days they crossed the river, entering the country of the Arsi Oromo, who proved hostile to Bottego.

see also