
unusual facts about Arthur Schlesinger, Jr

Alfredo Duran

In March 2001, Duran made a visit to the site of the Bay of Pigs Invasion, accompanied by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Richard N. Goodwin, Wayne S. Smith, Jean Kennedy Smith (sister of John F. Kennedy), and others.

Arthur Schlesinger

Arthur M. Schlesinger, Sr. (1888–1965), American historian and professor at Harvard University

Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. (1917–2007), his son, American historian, social critic and former John F. Kennedy associate

Cyclical theory

The cyclical theory refers to a model used by historian Arthur Schlesinger to attempt to explicate the fluctuations in politics throughout American History.

During the study of American history, no time period may be defined entirely as one stage or another of the Schlesinger cycle, nor can all the aspects of an era be generalized as to be proceeding in one direction.

Eleanor Flexner

When she showed the completed book to the historian Arthur Schlesinger, he recognized its value and urged her to offer it to Harvard University Press, which readily accepted it for publication.

The Churchill Centre

Speakers span the political and cultural spectrum: William F. Buckley, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr, Alistair Cooke, William Manchester, members of the Churchill family, and many others.

see also