
11 unusual facts about Arthur Andersen

Andersen Worldwide

Andersen Worldwide Société Coopérative (AWSC) was a Swiss-based entity which managed the global offices of accounting firm Arthur Andersen.

Arthur Andersen

Perhaps most telling about who won the decision was that four hours after the arbitrator made his ruling, Arthur Andersen CEO Jim Wadia suddenly resigned.

Baptist Foundation of Arizona

Arthur Andersen, the Big Five accounting firm that audited Enron, paid former BFA investors $217 million for Andersen's failure to identify fraudulent activities at the BFA.

David Baxby

Following graduation, Baxby worked for 12 months as an Analyst for Arthur Andersen in the Corporate Finance Division.

Gerry Fitzsimons

In 1987 Gerry moved to Taylor Vinters in Cambridge where he remained until 1996, when he started up the Cambridge Garretts office alongside Arthur Andersen.

Ian Luder

Luder attended Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School, Elstree then studied Economics and Economic History at University College London (BA) before working as a tax accountant for Arthur Andersen and later Grant Thornton.

Jason Olim

He has earned Entrepreneur of the Year awards from the Small Business Association, Arthur Andersen, the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce (1997) and the Greater Philadelphia Venture Group (1999).

Jean E. Sammet

The meeting involved 25 engineers, programmers, marketing representatives, and salesmen who were involved with the UNIVAC, as well as representatives from users such as General Electric, Arthur Andersen, and the U.S. Census.

Times Square Tower

Originally, this building's tenant was planned to be Arthur Andersen.


It was founded by Anh Tran and Danny Ting, two Asian Americans who were formerly consultants for Arthur Andersen.

Warren Barton

During this period, Barton had a 'day job' working in the mailroom at the London offices of accounting firm, Arthur Andersen.

Allan Chernoff

He broke news of the insider trading guilty plea of former ImClone CEO Sam Waksal; SEC fraud charges against WorldCom; the plan to dissolve accounting firm Arthur Andersen; Wall Street analyst Jack Grubman's conflict of interest settlement; the suicide of former Enron executive Cliff Baxter; and details of the global settlement between tobacco companies and the states.

Alvarez and Marsal

Alvarez & Marsal (A&M) is a global professional services firm notable for its work in turnaround management and performance improvement of a number of large, high profile businesses both in the USA and internationally such as Lehman Brothers, HealthSouth, Tribune Company, Warnaco, Interstate bakeries, and Arthur Andersen.

Bartolomé Gamundi

A former General Manager at Electro Biology Corp., and a former executive at Arthur Andersen, Price Waterhouse, GE and Weston Instruments, Gamundi is a former president of the Puerto Rico Manufacturers Association and of the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce.

Bola Tinubu

Tinubu worked for American companies Arthur Andersen, Deloitte, Haskins, & Sells, and GTE Services Corporation.

EHelp Corporation

eHelp’s customers included Lucas Arts Entertainment Center, Microsoft, Deutsche Bank, Siemens, Nixdorf, EDS, IBM, Symantec, Arthur Andersen, Boeing, Coca Cola, Cisco Systems, Baan Company, Oracle Corporation and Walt Disney.

Joel Dehlin

Prior to working for the LDS Church, he worked at Microsoft for 10 years in various roles, at Arthur Andersen, and at Novell.

MCI Inc.

Movie Fun with Dick and Jane (2005), featuring Jim Carrey: The closing credits begin with a Special Thanks To list, naming executives at Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, Adelphia, ImClone Systems, Arthur Andersen, Cendant and HealthSouth.

William Lerach

Lerach was involved in many securities class action and corporate derivative suits in recent years, including Enron, Dynegy, Qwest, WorldCom, Citibank, Drexel Burnham, Tyco, Merrill Lynch, Bank of America, Disney, Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse First Boston, Global Crossing, AT&T, Hewlett-Packard, Apple Computer, ExxonMobil, R.J. Reynolds, Arthur Andersen, and AOL Time Warner.