One of the important battles of the Haitian Revolution (1791–1804) was fought here at Crete Pierrot wherein Jean-Jacques Dessalines ravaged the French army led by Rochambeau.
Deschapelles, in the Artibonite valley, is the location of the Hospital Albert Schweitzer Haiti.
The painters of the Artibonite region in central Haiti, where Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti is located, have developed their own style, which is quite recognizable.
By September 17, heavy rains totaling about 13 inches (330 mm) in the northern mountains of Haiti caused severe flooding and mudslides in the Artibonite region of the country, causing particular damage in the coastal city of Gonaïves, where it affected about 80,000 of the city's 100,000 residents.
Pierrot attempted to reform the Haïtian government, causing the Boyerist hierarchy of Haïti to sponsor a rebellion in the provinces of Port-au-Prince and Artibonite in 1846.