
2 unusual facts about Artificial neural network

Ghauth Jasmon

He has researched in the areas of Power Systems Analysis, Network Analysis, Voltage Stability, System Security and Neural Networks.


Artificial neural network, a mathematical model designed to imitate the function of living nerve cells

Branch predictor

Machine learning for branch prediction using LVQ and multi-layer perceptrons, called "neural branch prediction," was proposed by Prof. Lucian Vintan (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu).

John G. Taylor

He was an Emeritus Professor and Director of the Centre for Neural Networks at King's College London and Guest Scientist of the Research Centre at the Institute of Medicine in Jülich, Germany.


MicroPsi extends the representations of the Psi-theory with taxonomies, inheritance and linguistic labeling; MicroPsi's spreading activation networks allow for neural learning, planning and associative retrieval.

see also