The Aedui tribe was defeated and massacred by the combined forces of the Sequani and Arverni tribes, who had enlisted the aid of the German Suebi tribe under the Germanic king Ariovistus.
Unlike the Arverni, who retained independence after the war, the Allobroges were brought under Roman rule at this time.
In B.C 121 the Roman proconsul Domitius Ahenobarbus undertook a war against the Allobroges, who allied with the Arverni under Bituitus.
It is situated at the foot of the Gergovie plateau, the official but disputed site of the Battle of Gergovia, where — near to the Arverni oppidum of Nemossos (a sacred wood, in Gaulish) — the Arverni and other Gallic tribes gathered under Vercingetorix's command to fight the Roman legions of Julius Caesar in 52 BC.
When consul in 121 BC he campaigned in Gallia Transalpina (in the modern day Auvergne and Rhône-Alpes regions) with Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus against the Gallic tribes of the Allobroges and Arverni whom he defeated.