Popbot is the name of an award-winning prestige format comic book written and illustrated by Australian, Ashley Wood.
Ed Wood | Elijah Wood | Battle of Belleau Wood | Wood | Victoria Wood | wood | Wally Wood | Ronnie Wood | Ashley Olsen | Ashley Judd | Wood Green | Under Milk Wood | Natalie Wood | Leonard Wood | Belleau Wood | Ashley Tisdale | Sam Taylor-Wood | Laura Ashley | Fort Leonard Wood | Ashley Giles | St John's Wood | Robert E. Wood | John Wood | Wood County, West Virginia | Sam Wood | Robert Wood Johnson Medical School | Robert Wood Johnson Foundation | Robert Ashley | Moses Ashley Curtis | Medeski Martin & Wood |
He is the writer/artist of Will Eisner's John Law, Red Kelso, The Jackaroo, Flash Damingo, Morton Stone: Undertaker (with Ashley Wood and Ben Templesmith) and "Planet of the Apes: Urchak's Folly" (with Dillon Naylor and Greg Gates).
Bonus content include motion comic adaptations of the Metal Gear Solid graphic novels by Kris Oprisko and Ashley Wood and a 100-page booklet that catalogs numerous promotional posters and brochures related to the games in the compilation.