
5 unusual facts about Asopus


Indeed, logically, since the children fathered by gods on various daughters of either Boeotian or Phliasian Asopus were mortal in these tales, then the daughters themselves must have been mortal, and therefore either the mother of these daughters (often given as Metope daughter of river Ladon) or their father Asopus must have been mortal, or both of them.

Pausanias (1.12.4) writes that during the reign of Aras, the first earth-born king of Sicyonian land, Asopus, said to be son of Poseidon by Celusa (this Celusa otherwise unknown but possibly identical to Pero mentioned above), discovered for him the river called Asopus and gave it his name.

Diodorus Siculus (4,72) similarly presents Asopus (here son of Oceanus and Tethys) as a settler in Phlius and wife of Metope daughter of Ladon, presumably here and elsewhere the Arcadian river Ladon.

Asopus is often clearly the Phliasian Asopus (so indicated by Pherecydes) but not always so.


He reported that Eupolis was buried away from Athens, his tomb being located in the vicinity of Sicyon and the river Asopus.


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  • Asopis, one of the daughters of the river-god Asopus and Metope, daughter of the river-god Ladon.

    see also