
unusual facts about Assamese people


Even great Assamese musician Dr Bhupen Hazarika acted in the film and sang "Biswa Bijoyee Navajowan" at only age 13.


Besides the dominant Naga tribes who comprise about 50% of the city's population, other prominent groups include Dimasas, Bengalis, Assamese, Oriyas, Nepalese, Biharis, Marwaris, Punjabis and also Tamils and Keralites.


It is occupied by different communities and cultures, The main inhabitants are Koch Rajbongshis, Bodos, Nepali, Assamese, , Bengalis, Garo, Santalis and other communities too.


The town is an amalgamation of many communities from different states of India, mainly Assamese, Bengali, Rajasthani, Bihari and many Marwari people reside in the town area.

Williamson A. Sangma

With outbreak of violence between the Assamese speaking and Bengali speaking communities in the Assam plains, it further united the Hill parties and Hill state movement gained its momentum once again.

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