
5 unusual facts about Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists of the World

Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists of the World

That AMFPA effectively poses as a charity organization although it is purely a commercial venture, in effect conning charitable people out of money.

He was educated at the School of Higher Education for Book Trade and Graphics in Nuremberg and studied with the artists Erwin von Kormöndy and Hans Gerstacker.

Works produced by the members can be seen in the UN Headquarters in Geneva or the European Council in Strasbourg.

Edward Rainey

Rainey's ambition now is to graduate from the Glasgow School of Art and to become a full member of the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists of the World.

Steven L. Sles

Sles is an established and prolific mouth painter; he is most recognized for his variations of techniques, and fiery abstract palette.

see also