
unusual facts about Astronomia


Scholars of the 19th century, however, argued against Hesiodic authorship, going so far as to assign the poem to the Hellenistic Period following the work of Eudoxus.

Christen Sørensen Longomontanus

King Christian IV of Denmark, to whom he dedicated his Astronomia Danica, an exposition of the Tychonic system of the world, conferred upon him the canonry of Lunden in Schleswig.

Giovanni Domenico Cassini

Giordano Berti (a cura di), G.D. Cassini e le origini dell’astronomia moderna, catalogo della mostra svoltasi a Perinaldo -Im-, Palazzo Comunale, 31 agosto – 2 novembre 1997.

James Bassantin

A Latin translation, under the title Astronomia Jacobi Bassantini Scoti, opus absolutissimum, was published at Geneva in 1559 by Johannes Tornoesius; who in an epistle addressed to Frederick III, Elector Palatine, gives a eulogistic account of the author.

Juan Manuel Cajigal y Odoardo

His publications include Tratado de mecánica elemental ("Treatise on Fundamental Mechanics") and Curso de astronomía y memorias sobre integrales entre límites ("Course on Astronomy and Report on Integrals between Limits").

Libros del saber de astronomía

The Libros del saber de astronomía del rey Alfonso X de Castilla (Books of wisdom of astronomy of King Alfonso X of Castile) is a literary work of the medieval period, composed during the reign of Alfonso X of Castile.

Secretum Philosophorum

Book VII, ‘Astronomy’ ‘teaches movements of the heavens and their effects on men’ (Astronomia docet de magnitudine mobili hoc est de motibus firmamenti et planetarum et eorum effectibus).

see also