After Ram's release, he becomes involved in a power struggle between the wealthy followers of Amun, chief of the traditional Egyptian pantheon, versus the oppressed followers of Aten, god of the monotheistic Atenist heresy.
A former Tibetan Khampa soldier named Aten recounted Tibetan memories of Zhao, calling him "Butcher Feng", claiming that he: razed Batang monastery, ordered holy texts to be used by troops as shoeliners, and mass murdered Tibetans.
Aten | Aten asteroid |
Shortly before the Reformation, the monastery of Aten, in the present-day borough of Nordenham, was planted by Appingen.
In addition to constructing a new capital in honor of Aten, Akhenaten also oversaw the construction of some of the most massive temple complexes in ancient Egypt, including one at Karnak and one at Thebes, close to the old temple of Amun.
Finnish author Mika Waltari used the idea of Aten and Atenism in his famous historical novel The Egyptian, as did Australian-Canadian author Pauline Gedge's 1984 historical novel The Twelfth Transforming.
The hieroglyphics in the antechamber to auditorium come from an Egyptian hymn to the gods Amun and Aten in the reign of Amenhotep III (1390-1353 B.C.).
In 1890 Aten moved to Castro County, Texas, and then in 1904 moved with his family to the Imperial Valley of California, where he served as a member of the Imperial Valley District board in 1923, which helped push through legislation for the construction of Boulder Dam and the All-American Canal.
Meketaten ("Behold the Aten" or "Protected by Aten") was the second daughter of six born to the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten and his Great Royal Wife Nefertiti.
She is shown standing in the building near the window of appearance as her parents, Akhenaten and Nefertiti, bestow honors upon the first servant of the Aten named Panehesy.