Following the Cleromancy (casting of lots), sky is ruled by Anu, earth by Enlil, and the freshwater sea by Enki.
It has been stated by some that Geshtu-E was depicted as the engineer sacrifying himself during the opening sequence of Ridley Scott´s movie Prometheus which is related to the Akkadian myth, evidence supported by some archealogic comments made by some of the characters.
Stachybotrys atra is a well known toxic mold which releases mycotoxins and has been blamed for numerous deaths, particularly several in Cleveland, Ohio.
This is significant since Ptah is a parallel for Noah in that, as the Blacksmith-God of Thebes (Hephaistos-Vulcan), he is the equivalent of the Phoenician Craftsman-God Khousor, which is Ugaritic Kṯr, Kothar, Kothar-wa-Khasis, "The-Very-Skillful-and-Intelligent-One," which is the same character as the Sumero-Akkadian Noahs: Utnapishtim (in the Gilgamesh Epic), Atra-Ḫasīs, and Ziusudra (Khousor = Ptah at Ugarit).
Exposure to the mycotoxins present in Stachybotrys chartarum or Stachybotrys atra can have a wide range of effects.
The most infamous species, S. chartarum (previously known as S. atra) and S. chlorohalonata are known as "black mold" or "toxic black mold" in the U.S. and are frequently associated with poor indoor air quality that arises after fungal growth on water-damaged building materials.