
unusual facts about Atreides


House Atreides, a fictional noble family in Frank Herbert's Dune universe

Dune short stories

It depicts a group of Atreides soldiers trapped in a cave in the Shield Wall outside Arrakeen.

Ghanima Atreides

In the Sci-Fi Channel's 2003 Children of Dune TV miniseries, Ghanima Atreides is portrayed by Jessica Brooks as a teenager.

House Atreides

In the Brian Herbert/Kevin J. Anderson Legends of Dune novels, the Atreides family line goes back to the Greeks on Old Earth.

Leto Atreides

Leto Atreides II the Elder, first son of Paul Atreides and Chani; (killed in his infancy by Glossu Rabban)

Leto Atreides II the (God Emperor of Dune), son of Paul Atreides and twin to Ghanima

see also