An unusual number of meteor showers caused concern in Rome, and an inspection was made of the Sibylline Books, which discovered verses saying that if a foreigner were to make war on Italy, he could be defeated if the Magna Idaea, the Mother Goddess, associated with Mount Ida in Phrygia, were brought to Rome.
Musaeus of Ephesus was an Ephesian attached to the court of the kings of Pergamon, who wrote a Perseis, and poems on Eumenes and Attalus I.
Like his predecessor Berossos, he moved from Babylonia and established himself among the Greeks; he was an advisor to King Attalus I (Attalos Soter) of Pergamon.
But Antiochus was at of length entirely defeated, chiefly through the efforts of Attalus, king of Pergamon, who defeated him at the Battle of the Harpasus and drove him out of Anatolia.