
unusual facts about Attribute

After Saturday Comes Sunday

Writers like Israel Amrani and Nissan Ratzlav-Katz attribute it to fundamentalist Muslims and interpret it to mean that after they finish dealing with the Jews (who celebrate Sabbath on Saturday), they will next deal with the Christians (who celebrate Sabbath on Sunday).

Architecture of Ethiopia

Though later medieval hagiographies attribute all 11 structures to the eponymous King Lalibela (the town was called Roha and Adefa before his reign), new evidence indicates that they may have been built separately over a period of a few centuries, with only a few of the more recent churches having been built under his reign.


Ascendency, sometimes spelled "ascendancy", a quantitative attribute of an ecosystem.

Attribute substitution

In a 2002 revision of the theory, Kahneman and Shane Frederick proposed attribute substitution as a process underlying these and other effects.


Historically the buława was an attribute of a Hetman, an officer of the highest military rank (after the monarch) in 15th- to 18th-century Kingdom of Poland and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and of the Otaman of Ukraine or the military head of a Cossack state (Cossack Hetmanate).

Buonamico Buffalmacco

Interestingly, Vasari does not attribute the famed Pisan frescoes now associated with Buonamico to the painter, but rather, credits him with four frescoes at the Camposanto depicting the beginning of the world through the building of Noah's Ark, which later scholars have instead attributed to Piero di Puccio of Orvieto.

Canyon County, Idaho

Some sources attribute the name to the canyon of the Boise River near Caldwell, while western writers John Rees and Vardis Fisher believed it was named for the Snake River canyon, which forms a natural boundary with Owyhee County to the south and west.

Carol Friedman

She is among the pioneers the use of expert systems in Medical language processing and the explicit medical concept representation underpinning the use of Entity–attribute–value modeling underpinning electronic medical records.

Clássico dos Milhões

Poll estimations, though variable, attribute Flamengo and Vasco with a combined share of about 20% of the overall population, i.e. totalling 45 million supporters nationwide (typically 30 million to Flamengo and 15 million to Vasco).

Coat of arms of the Royal Borough of Greenwich

Jupiter is holding an astrolab of a kind constructed by Georg Hartmann, clearly a symbol for the astronomical studies at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, while Neptune is holding his usual attribute of a trident.

Did You Ever See a Lassie?

The song is featured as one of the songs in WeeSing's Grandpa's Magical Toys, represented by the Laddie and Lassie characters (played by Caysie Torrey and David Lovelin), and is also one of the songs featured in the CD Wee Sing and Play as well, with the opening narration confirming that the words "lassie" and "laddie" attribute to Scotland (they mean "boy" and "girl" in Scots).


In the Ascomycota this attribute is most often found in the ascogenous hyphae and ascocarp while the bulk of the mycelia remains monokaryotic.

El Paso International Airport

Some attempted to attribute the accident to US Senator Phil Gramm, as McCoy was due to testify against Senator Gramm's shakedown of campaign contributions made by the El Paso Small Business Administration office.

Four Great Classical Novels

While most attribute the novel to Shi Nai'an, there were some who believe that the novel, or portions of it, was written by others, such as Luo Guanzhong (the author of Romance of the Three Kingdoms), Shi Hui (施惠) and Guo Xun (郭勛).

Ghost band

Gene Lees, Woody Herman's biographer, and several other sources attribute the coining of the phrase to Woody Herman, who used it to refer to successors of dance bands from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s.

Goddess of the West

Imentet, the "Goddess of the West" in Egyptian mythology, who may have simply been an attribute of Hathor or Isis

Hans Guido Mutke

Only after learning about the supersonic flights of Chuck Yeager in 1947 did he attribute these phenomena to the effects of supersonic flight and claim to have broken the sound barrier—years before Yeager did.

Hiber Ruíz

Ruiz has the joint highest balance attribute of any player on the videogame FIFA 13.

Hippocampus kuda

Greeks and Romans believed the seahorse was an attribute of the sea god Poseidon/Neptune, and the seahorse was considered a symbol of strength and power.

History of emerging infectious diseases

Pre-existing theories of disease: Before a pathogen is well-recognized, scientists may attribute the symptoms of infection to other causes, such as toxicological, psychological, or genetic causes.

Homo floresiensis

Supporters of H. floresiensis such as Chris Stringer and Dean Falk attribute opposition partly to the fact that the existence of the species challenges the theories of multiregionalists, who believe that Homo sapiens was the only living species of hominin, evolving simultaneously in different regions, at the time when the Flores individuals were alive.


Zaidi Shi`ites however, do not attribute ‘ismah to the Imāms.

Jean Racine

Others, including the historian Warren Lewis, attribute his retirement from the theater to qualms of conscience.

John Beazley

He adapted the art-historical method initiated by Giovanni Morelli to attribute the specific "hands" (style) of specific workshops and artists, even where no signed piece offered a name, e.g. the Berlin Painter, whose production he first distinguished.

Legio II Herculia

The cognomen of this legion came from Herculius, the attribute of Maximian (Diocletian's colleague) meaning "similar to Hercules".

Lightning in religion

The Baganda specifically attribute the lightning phenomenon to the god Kiwanuka, one of the main trio in the Lubaale gods of the sea or lake.

Locus of control

Weiner's early work in the 1970s suggested that orthogonal to the internality-externality dimension, differences should be considered between those who attribute to stable and those who attribute to unstable causes.

Nicolás Francés

The cathedral altarpiece paintings documented, along with a picture of the Nativity, allegedly signed with an "N" in a hymnal of the collegiate Basilica of San Isidoro, helped define his style of painting, which combines the clarity and Italian Flemish attention to detail, and attribute some other works, among which the Altarpiece of the Life of the Virgin and Saint Francis (Museo del Prado), from Chapel Farm Esteva of Delights in the vicinity of La Bañeza.


This latter attribute would eventually attract the attention of one of the noble ladies of Bau, causing an illicit affair and leading to his eventual demise, for the lady was the Radini Levuka, wife of the Vunivalu or Paramount Chief of the Kubuna Confederacy.

Oblivious transfer

The protocol of Even, Goldreich, and Lempel (which the authors attribute partially to Silvio Micali), is general, but can be instantiated using RSA encryption as follows.

Our Lady of Bethlehem

Specialists in 15th-century art attribute the painting to the school of the Brussels painter Rogier van der Weyden, or an anonymous disciple of the school.

Raoul Nordling

Many accounts of these events attribute him a major role in doing so, and he was honoured by France after the Liberation with the highest available medal, the Croix de guerre avec palme.


Its states an attribute of a twofold origin: Benedictine (the monks are Benedictine Oblates) and the scout movement.

Safe Software

Often described as an ETL tool for spatial data, or a Spatial ETL tool, FME provides functionality similar to a traditional ETL tool, but also has additional capability to manage spatial data and the complexity contributed by spatial data's associated feature geometries, attribute tables, and coordinate systems.


On one hand, a part of the historians consider that its architecture is reminiscent of the Western manner of planning, and attribute it either to the Genoese, who held several trading posts in the area, or to the Byzantines, who intermittently controlled the region.

Solvated electron

Charles A. Kraus measured the electrical conductance of metal ammonia solutions and in 1907 was the first to attribute it the electrons liberated from the metal.

Sophia von Kielmansegg, Countess of Darlington

Although described by historians as 'the Elephant' who competed with 'the Maypole' (Melusine), modern historians, especially Ragnhild Hatton attribute her as a valued courtier of the king and stating she was not as obese as early works suggested.


The Perkins attribute their success to their franchise model, and to the de-regulation of the UK Opticians market by the Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s, allowing opticians to use previously forbidden advertising and marketing techniques to rapidly take over a market that had belonged to independent local opticians.


Others attribute the noun "stent" to Jan F. Esser, a Dutch plastic surgeon who in 1916 used the word to describe a dental impression compound invented in 1856 by the English dentist Charles Stent (1807–1885), whom Esser employed to craft a form for facial reconstruction.


To attribute this targum to Jonathan ben Uzziel flatly contradicts the talmudic tradition (Megillah 3a), which quite clearly attributes the targum to Nevi'im alone to him, while stating that there is no official targum to Ketuvim.

Thomas Middleton

The Revenger's Tragedy was adapted into Alex Cox's film Revengers Tragedy, the opening credits of which attribute the play's authorship to Middleton.

Tony Bunn

In 1977, he conceived and developed the first modern 5-string bass guitar with luthier Paul Reed Smith(Most other sources attribute the first modern 5-string bass to an instrument built in 1976 by Alembic Inc for bassist Jimmy Johnson ).

Under Our Skin

The film follows six individuals including major league ball player Ben Petrick who report chronic symptoms, which they attribute to persistent Lyme infection.

Viva Variety

The other common sketch theme was a game show with an odd premise, such as “Plant or Animal”, where an audience member was asked to attribute a few seconds-long recording to either an animal or Robert Plant.

Walsdorf, Rhineland-Palatinate

The annulet is Saint Arnulf’s attribute and the lily Saint Anthony’s, thus representing the municipality’s two patron saints, the former being Walsdorf’s and the latter Zilsdorf’s.

Zbruch Idol

In Rybakov's hypothesis, the male deity with the horse and sword is Perun, the female with the horn of plenty is Mokosh, the female with the ring is Lada, and the male deity with the solar symbol, above the empty underworld, is Dažbog, (the God of sunlight for whom the sun was not an object but an attribute, thus the symbol's position on his clothing rather than in his hand).

see also