
8 unusual facts about Augustus John

Bernard van Dieren

They also relied on financial support from a group of admirers and friends, which included notable personalities such as Jacob Epstein, Osbert and Sacheverell Sitwell, Augustus John, Philip Heseltine (the composer Peter Warlock) and Cecil Gray.

Carl Abrahams

In 1937, while on a working holiday in Jamaica, Augustus John, the iconic British artist, encouraged Abrahams to begin painting professionally.

Eugenia Errázuriz

Besides Sargent, she was also painted by Jacques-Emile Blanche (French painter 1861–1942), Giovanni Boldini, Paul Helleu, Augustus John, Ambrose McEvoy, and Pablo Picasso.

Freedom Defence Committee

An open letter requesting urgent funds was published in the 18 September 1948 issue of Socialist Leader and was signed by Benjamin Britten, E. M. Forster, Augustus John, Orwell, Read and Osbert Sitwell.

George Charles Beresford

Beresford was a close friend of Augustus John and Sir William Orpen, another Irishman - they produced a number of images of each other.

John Trivett Nettleship

He married in 1876 Ada, daughter of James Hinton; she survived him with three daughters, the eldest of whom was Ida (1877-1907) who married the artist Augustus John.

Lyric Fantasy

Lyric Fantasy was reportedly named after a painting by Augustus John which hung in the Tate Gallery.

William Conor

He moved to London in 1920 and there met and socialised with such artists as Sir John Lavery and Augustus John.

Amaryllis Fleming

She was the illegitimate daughter of the painter Augustus John by his mistress Eve Fleming, mother of the writers Peter Fleming and Ian Fleming by her late husband, although most of her life she was raised as the adopted daughter of Eve Fleming as a pretence to hide her illegitimacy and only discovered her true parentage when she was in her twenties.

Curtis Moffat

Opening with a show of work by Augustus John, Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant among others, its last show, "Since Cezanne", featured artists such as Picasso, Matisse and Modigliani.

Gwendoline Davies

In particular, they purchased many works by the Impressionists and post-Impressionists, although they also acquired holdings of 20th-century modern artists, such as Josef Herman, Oskar Kokoschka, Augustus John, Stanley Spencer, Frank Brangwyn, and Eric Gill.

Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum

In summer of 2012, Salisbury Museum presented 'Circles And Tangents' featuring the work of artists connected with Cranborne Chase, including Augustus John, Henry Lamb, Ben Nicholson, John Craxton, Lucian Freud, Stanley Spencer, Elisabeth Frink, William Nicholson and over 25 other artists.

see also