
9 unusual facts about John Updike

A Man in Full

Some of this more pointed criticism, mixed with praise for Wolfe's style, came from established American novelists, including John Updike and Norman Mailer.

Anjanette Comer

Comer's movie activity dropped off in 1970 after she played Ruth in the film version of John Updike's Rabbit, Run (1970).

Don Devlin

In 1987, Devlin did his last technical film work as the executive producer of The Witches of Eastwick, based on the John Updike novel of the same name.

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn

A fictionalized version of Flynn is depicted in John Updike's novel In the Beauty of the Lilies in which she is said to have had an affair with the anarchist Carlo Tresca, which is supported by Flynn's letters and memoir.

Harvard Book Store

In recent years, a well-attended author event series has hosted Al Gore, Salman Rushdie, Haruki Murakami, John Updike, Orhan Pamuk, and Stephen King, in addition to a number of local writers and academics.

Jazz in Czechoslovakia

This action was met with severe criticism from abroad including authors such as Kurt Vonnegut and John Updike.

Myopia Hunt Club

Myopia Hunt was the home course of the late novelist and golf writer John Updike.

Norwell, Massachusetts

John Updike gave his eulogy at First Parish Church in Norwell, just across the street from Cheever's burial site.

The Poorhouse Fair

The Poorhouse Fair (1959) was the first novel by the American author John Updike.

André Deutsch

His small but influential publishing house ran until the 1980s, and included books by Jack Kerouac, Earl Lovelace, Norman Mailer, George Mikes, V. S. Naipaul, Ogden Nash, Andrew Robinson, Philip Roth, Art Spiegelman, John Updike, Margaret Atwood, Charles Gidley Wheeler and Helene Hanff, and is now an imprint of Carlton Publishing Group.

Charles Ghigna

Ghigna's influences on his early writing attempts included his parents, especially his creative mother, poets Robert Frost, Carl Sandburg, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Sara Teasdale, Ogden Nash, John Updike, and James Dickey.

Diana Athill

After the war Athill helped André Deutsch establish his publishing company and worked closely with many of his authors, including Philip Roth, Norman Mailer, John Updike, Mordecai Richler, Simone de Beauvoir, Jean Rhys, Gitta Sereny, Brian Moore, V. S. Naipaul, Charles Gidley Wheeler and David Gurr.

Dreadnaught USA

In 2005, the group began a prominent stint as house band for the New Hampshire Public Radio series Writers On A New England Stage at the Music Hall in Portsmouth NH, where it has performed with Dan Brown (The Da Vinci Code), Alan Alda, Doris Kearns Goodwin, John Updike, Elmore Leonard, Anita Diamant, and Mitch Albom.

Harvard Review

Among the authors that have appeared in the magazine are Arthur Miller, Alice Hoffman, Seamus Heaney, Gore Vidal, David Mamet, Joyce Carol Oates, John Ashbery, Jorie Graham, Jim Crace, John Updike, and Thomas McGuane.

Here at The New Yorker

Much of the book is devoted to anecdotes about his best-known colleagues, such as cartoonists Peter Arno, Charles Addams, and James Thurber; writers Truman Capote, John Updike, S.J. Perelman, and John O'Hara; critics Wolcott Gibbs and Robert Benchley; and editors Katherine White, Harold Ross, and William Shawn.

Julian Jaynes

The book was a nominee for the National Book Award in 1978, and received dozens of positive book reviews, including those by well-known critics such as John Updike in The New Yorker, Christopher Lehmann-Haupt in the New York Times, and Marshall McLuhan in the Toronto Globe and Mail.

Literary fiction

In an interview by Lev Grossman for Time magazine, John Updike lamented that "the category of 'literary fiction' has sprung up recently to torment people like me who just set out to write books, and if anybody wanted to read them, terrific, the more the merrier. But now, no, I'm a genre writer of a sort. I write literary fiction, which is like spy fiction or chick lit".

Michigan Quarterly Review

In recent years the magazine has published nonfiction by Margaret Atwood, Carol Gilligan, Douglas Hofstadter, Maxine Hong Kingston, Toni Morrison, Joyce Carol Oates, Amos Oz, Richard Rorty, John Updike, and William Julius Wilson and fiction by Eileen Pollack, Peter Orner and Jacob Appel.

New World Writing

The first Lippincott volume, 16, was led off by Tillie Olsen's most famous story "Tell Me a Riddle" and included Thomas Pynchon's "Low-Lands"; New World Writing 17 (1960) included John Updike's "The Sea's Green Sameness", James Purdy's "Daddy Wolf", an essay by Otto Friedrich on Ezra Pound and Louise W. King's first published story, "The Day We Were Mostly Butterflies."

Petr Lébl

He met the US ambassador Luers and attended parties organized by the US embassy, where he met John Updike, Edward Albee and William Styron.

Shillington, Pennsylvania

It is perhaps best known as the place where author John Updike lived until he was 13, and it is the basis for the town of Olinger that he wrote about in his fiction.

Shoo-Fly Pie and Apple Pan Dowdy

The song is frequently mentioned in John Updike's 1988 novel Rabbit at Rest as a favorite childhood song of the protagonist, Pennsylvania native Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom.

Society for the Arts, Religion and Contemporary Culture

Among the more than 300 Fellows of the Society have been Mircea Eliade, Denise Levertov, Sallie McFague, Cleanth Brooks, Marianne Moore, W. H. Auden, and John Updike.

The Best American Short Stories 2003

Among the other notable writers whose stories were among the "100 Other Distinguished Stories of 2002" were Andrea Barrett, Rick Bass, Robert Coover, Donald Hall, Joyce Carol Oates, Grace Paley, John Updike and John Edgar Wideman.

see also

William Price Fox

John Updike (--on Fox's Doctor Golf): "Golf in the Kingdom" put me in mind of another curious devotional work, William Price Fox's "Doctor Golf."Doctor Golf, a fanatic even quainter and keener than Shivas Irons, runs a thirty-nine-member golf sanctuary in Arkansas called Eagle-Ho, refers to "young Hagen," advocates caddy flogging, sells by mail order a clanking, cumbersome line of golf paraphernalia, and conducts a large correspondence.