Sven Magnus Aurivillius (1892-1928), a Swedish zoologist, son of Per Olof Christopher
Per Olof Christopher Aurivillius (1843–1928), a Swedish entomologist, brother of Carl Wilhelm Samuel
Aurivillius (1898) considers that manjaca Boisduval is a variety of Fabricius' serena which had, in turn, been put in synonymy with terpsicore Linnaeus by Butler (1894), and which then was thought to be eponina Cramer (Le Doux, 1928, Carcasson, 1961).
Aurivillius treated it as a west African race of Belenois thysa in 1898, but treated it as distinct in 1910.
Sven Magnus Aurivillius was a Swedish zoologist born 12 August 1892 in Stockholm and died 4 March 1928 in Mörby.